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Sorry. We have a minimum order value of £50 for international orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a Minimum Order Value of £50 (B2B) or £140 (B2C) for EU based orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
Sorry. We have a minimum order value of £50 for international orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a Minimum Order Value of £50 (B2B) or £140 (B2C) for EU based orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
Sorry. We have a minimum order value of £49 net for overseas orders. Customs import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
Sorry. We have a minimum order value of £50 for international orders. Customs import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a Minimum Order Value of £50 (B2B) or £140 (B2C) for EU based orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.